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Sol2Ink can parse Solidity files into ink! project while leveraging the power of OpenBrush. You can either parse a single file by providing the path to the file, or a whole folder by providing the path to teh folder. In the latter case, Sol2Ink will parse all Solidity files in the selected folder file tree and add them to one big ink! project. The output of Sol2Ink is a folder called generated with the following file structure:

├── contracts
│ └── contract
│ ├──
│ └── Cargo.toml
└── src
├── impls
│ ├──
│ └──
├── libs
│ ├──
│ └──
├── traits
│ ├──
│ └──
└── Cargo.toml

In this structure, we suppose we were parsing a directory which contains a contract called Contract.sol and a library called Library.sol. Sol2Ink will produce a lib file called in the folder src/libs and expose it in the src/libs/ file. Parsing the Contract.sol file produces a trait which serves as a public API for our contract in src/traits/, expose it in src/traits/, the trait implementation file in src/impls/ and expose it in src/impls/, a contract implementation file in contracts/contract/, where the genrated trait will be implemented for the contract and a contracts/contract/Cargo.toml file, where will be the dependencies of our contract. Additionaly, it will expose the folders src/impls, src/libs and src/traits in src/ file, and add the dependencies file src/Cargo.toml file.

This version of Sol2Ink is able to parse any contract, however, it may produce some compile-time issues. These will need to be fixed by the developer and future versions of Sol2Ink will aim to produce fully compilable code. The point of Sol2Ink currently is to save time on re-writing the code and makes the developer go over the generated code and fix it to make it work.