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This example shows how you can reuse the implementation of PSP22 token. Also, this example shows how you can customize the logic, for example, to reject transferring tokens to hated_account.

Step 1: Import default implementation

With default Cargo.toml, you need to enable psp22 feature, embed modules data structures and implement them via #[openbrush::implementation] macro as described in that section.

The main trait is PSP22.

Step 2: Define constructor

Define constructor where you mint tokens to caller.

impl Contract {
pub fn new(total_supply: Balance) -> Self {
let mut instance = Self {
psp22: Default::default(),
hated_storage: HatedStorage {
hated_account: [255; 32].into(),

Internal::_mint_to(&mut instance, Self::env().caller(), total_supply).expect("Should mint");


Step 3: Customize your contract

Customize it by adding hated account logic. It will contain two public methods set_hated_account and get_hated_account. Also we will override _before_token_transfer method in the PSP22 implementation(that methods defined in Transfer trait), and we will add the hated_account: AccountId field to the structure.

#![cfg_attr(not(feature = "std"), no_std, no_main)]

// pub use my_psp22::*;
pub use openbrush::traits::{

// we need to expand this struct before the contract macro is expanded
// that is why we declare it here for this example
pub struct HatedStorage {
pub hated_account: AccountId,

pub mod my_psp22 {
use crate::*;
use openbrush::traits::String;

pub struct Contract {
psp22: psp22::Data,
hated_storage: HatedStorage,

fn _before_token_transfer(
&mut self,
_from: Option<&AccountId>,
to: Option<&AccountId>,
_amount: &Balance,
) -> Result<(), PSP22Error> {
if to == Some(&self.hated_storage.hated_account) {
return Err(PSP22Error::Custom(String::from("I hate this account!")))

impl HatedStorageAccessors for Contract {}

impl Contract {
pub fn new(total_supply: Balance) -> Self {
let mut instance = Self {
psp22: Default::default(),
hated_storage: HatedStorage {
hated_account: [255; 32].into(),

Internal::_mint_to(&mut instance, Self::env().caller(), total_supply).expect("Should mint");


You can check an example of the usage of PSP22.

Also you can use extensions for PSP22 token:

PSP22Metadata: metadata for PSP22.

PSP22Mintable: creation of new tokens.

PSP22Burnable: destruction of own tokens.

PSP22Wrapper: token wrapper for PSP22.

PSP22FlashMint: extension which allows the user to perform flashloans on the token by minting and burning the token.

Check out the utilities for PSP22 token:

PSP22TokenTimelock: utility for locking PSP22 tokens for a specified time.