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Payment Splitter

This example shows how you can reuse the implementation of payment-splitter.

Step 1: Import default implementation

With default Cargo.toml, you need to enable payment_splitter feature, embed modules data structures and implement them via #[openbrush::implementation] macro as described in that section.

The main trait is PaymentSplitter.

Step 2: Define constructor

Define constructor where you init payees and shares.

impl Contract {
pub fn new(payees_and_shares: Vec<(AccountId, Balance)>) -> Self {
let mut instance = Self::default();
payment_splitter::Internal::_init(&mut instance, payees_and_shares).expect("Should init");

You can check an example of the usage of PaymentSplitter.

Step 3 (Optional): Customize your contract

The PaymentSplitter trait defines and has default implementations for the core payment splitter functions. Additional functionality with some predefined functions is available through the payment_splitter::Internal trait. Likely the most common function to use from this internal trait will be _release_all. This allows you to payout all payees stored in the contract at once. To add this function to your contract, simply define a new publicly dispatchable function (i.e. #[ink(message)]) called release_all and have it call the internal _release_all function using self.

#![cfg_attr(not(feature = "std"), no_std, no_main)]

pub mod my_payment_splitter {
use ink::prelude::vec::Vec;
use openbrush::traits::Storage;

#[derive(Default, Storage)]
pub struct Contract {
splitter: payment_splitter::Data,

impl Contract {
pub fn new(payees_and_shares: Vec<(AccountId, Balance)>) -> Self {
let mut instance = Self::default();
payment_splitter::Internal::_init(&mut instance, payees_and_shares).expect("Should init");

/// Payout all payees at once.
/// Delete this method if you don't want this functionality in your version of the payment splitter.
pub fn release_all(&mut self) -> Result<(), PaymentSplitterError> {
// `_release_all()` is an internal method defined by the `payment_splitter::Internal` trait

The _add_payee function is also available in the payment_splitter::Internal trait and can be added to your contract in the same way as _release_all.