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This example shows how you can use the implementation of ownable to provide only owner rights for contract's functions.

Step 1: Import default implementation

With default Cargo.toml, you need to enable ownable feature, embed modules data structures and implement them via #[openbrush::implementation] macro as described in that section.

The main trait is Ownable.

Step 2: Define constructor

Define the constructor and initialize the owner with the contract initiator.

impl Contract {
pub fn new() -> Self {
let mut instance = Self::default();
ownable::Internal::_init_with_owner(&mut instance, Self::env().caller());

Step 3: Customize your contract

Customize it by adding ownable logic. We will add a owner_function to MyOwnable implementation and add the only_owner modifier, which will verify that the caller of the function is the owner.

#![cfg_attr(not(feature = "std"), no_std, no_main)]

#[openbrush::implementation(Ownable, PSP37, PSP37Burnable, PSP37Mintable)]
pub mod ownable {
use openbrush::{

#[derive(Default, Storage)]
pub struct Contract {
psp37: psp37::Data,
ownable: ownable::Data,

impl Contract {
pub fn new() -> Self {
let mut instance = Self::default();
ownable::Internal::_init_with_owner(&mut instance, Self::env().caller());

fn mint(&mut self) {}

fn burn(&mut self) {}

You can check an example of the usage of Ownable.