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Upgradeable contract


Code of a smart contract deployed on chain is immutable, however, we can update the code hash of a contract to point to a different code (therefore changing the code of the smart contract). This functionality can be used for bug fixing and potential product improvements. To do this, we need to first deploy a smart contract with the new code to register its code hash to the chain, and then call the ink::env::set_code_hash function. This function needs to be exposed in the smart contract API. You can check an example here. Openbrush also provides Upgradeable trait, which exposes this function. When using this, be sure to add some access modifiers, so only the admin of the contract can call the function.

Upgradeability allows experimenting and deploying the product at the early stage, always leaving the chance to fix vulnerabilities and progressively add features. Upgradeable contracts are not a Bug if they are developed consciously with decentralization in mind.

Decentralization can be achieved by providing the right to upgrade only to decentralized authority like governance, multisig, or another analog.

There is also a possibility of smart contract upgradeability via Proxy and Diamond patterns, which use DelegateCall to perform operations over own storage with code of a different deployed contract.

Storage layout

How storage works

Contracts use key-value storage to persist data. Each field of the contract may have its key and occupy storage cell. It is called storage layout.

During compilation ink! inserts code to work with storage and ink! knows how to store each type in which storage cell. How exactly it works is not a part of this tutorial, but you can read about that here. The main point is that each type knows how to operate with each field and operate with storage, because of a unique identifier of type u32.

So, each data is stored under its unique identifier - the storage key. The value of the key is the sequence of bytes - serialized (by SCALE codec) data type. The logic layer knows how to serialize and deserialize each data type. So during the execution, the logic layer deserializes all data by their storage keys and returns the filled contract's storage variable. The developer works with that variable, and before the end of the execution, the logic layer serializes data into sequences of bytes and stores them in their storage cells.

Rules for upgradeable storage layout

The contract can have several logic layers (like in the Diamond pattern). So we will define rules in terms of several layers, but it is also applicable for upgradeable contracts with the Proxy pattern or set_code_hash.

  1. The data stored under the storage key should use the same serialization and deserialization mechanism across all logic layers. Otherwise, some logic layers will not be able to deserialize the data type and fail.
  2. Each logic unit (in most cases, it is a type) should occupy the same storage key across all logic layers. For example, you have several logic layers that use the Mapping<Owner, Balances> to track users' balances. You should use the same storage key if you want to interact with the same mapping. Otherwise, you will work with different mappings.
  3. Each field that occupies some storage key should be used only in its usage flow. For example, you have Mapping<Owner, Balances> to track users' balances of token A in one logic layer. You can't use it in another logic layer to track users' balances of token B. Otherwise, one logic layer can overwrite another.

Following those simple rules will save you from corrupting the storage. Those rules are applicable for upgraded logic layers too.

If you use the same storage layout across all logic layers, and you don't plan to have unique fields per layer(so you don't plan to modify the storage layout in future upgrades). Then you already follow those rules with automatically calculated storage keys. But if you want to use a unique layout per layer or plan to modify the layout in the future, the next section will help you.

Suggestions on how follow the rules

Approach description

The manual setting of the storage key for each field allows following the rules but makes development harder. ink! allows you to manually implement all utility traits and specify the storage key you want to use for each field. If your contract has 20 fields, then you need to set 20 storage keys.

The main suggestion is to design your storage layout as a bunch of logic units and assign a unique storage key to logic unit. The logic unit can be one field or a bunch of fields. In the scope of the logic unit, you can use automatically calculated keys offset with the storage key of the logic unit, or you can use the same approach again and split logic into more units.

Remember to use unique storage keys so the storage spaces don't overlap.

OpenBrush provides openbrush::storage_item attribute macro that implements the required traits for a struct, as well as automatically generating unqiue storage keys for each of the struct's fields which are either marked as #[lazy] or are of type Mapping/MultiMapping. You can access those storage keys as consts in the generated code. The format of the storage key is STORAGE_KEY_{struct_name}_{field_name}, where struct_name and field_name are uppercase. So, this way, #[openbrush::storage_item] macro will generate keys for all types, that are lazily loaded from storage, it is making this fields upgradeable, but to for struct to be upgradeable, every field should be lazily loaded.

Note: Each logic unit should have a unique storage key. The storage key should be used only once in the contract. Those two requirements mean that your type(logic unit) can be used only once in the contract. For example, psp22::Data is a logic unit. You can have only one field of that type. If you have several fields with that type, you will use the same storage key several times, which is a collision.

Logic unit per business use case

You can include all fields into logic unit, like this:

pub struct Data {
balances: Mapping<Owner, Balance>,
total_owners: u128,

And in the result, you will have the following expanded code:

pub struct Data {
balances: Mapping<Owner, Balance, ManualKey<STORAGE_KEY_DATA_BALANCES>>,
total_owners: ::ink::Lazy<u128, ManualKey<STORAGE_KEY_DATA_TOTAL_OWNERS>>,

pub const STORAGE_KEY_DATA_BALANCES: u32 = 2312123323;
pub const STORAGE_KEY_DATA_TOTAL_OWNERS: u32 = 13123212132;

It makes your code readable and segregated by business logic. But it will add some limitations to future upgrades.

Logic unit per each field

You can create a unique type for each field like:

pub struct Balances(openbrush::storage::Mapping<AccountId, Balance>);

pub struct TotalOwners(u128);

You have no limitations, but you made your code harder to read, and maybe you have a lot of unique structures :D

Unique storage key

The storage key should be unique per each logic unit. You can assign each key manually or use some hash function to automate it.

OpenBrush provides openbrush::storage_unique_key! macro that generates a storage key based on the path to the structure. It has one required input argument - the name of the structure.

pub struct Data {
balances: Mapping<Owner, Balance>,
total_owners: u128,


pub struct Data {
balances: Mapping<Owner, Balance>,
total_owners: u128,

Constructor and initialization

The following information describes Proxy and Diamond patterns of upgradeable storage.

Uploading your contract on the blockchain with contract-pallet has two phases:

  • Deploy - deploys source code to the blockchain. After deploying, the network uses the hash of the source code as an identifier for future instantiation of the contract. Now anyone can instantiate the contract by source code hash.
  • Instantiation - creates the instance of the contract on the blockchain that uses source code by its hash. After that, anyone can interact with the contract.

So, deploy - uploading a logic layer to the blockchain; instantiation - reservation of the storage that belongs to the contract and creation of the entity to interact(contract with AccountId) with that storage via logic layers.

Each logic layer can require initialization to set up initial variables for correct work. In the typical scenario, when the contract is not upgradeable, you have only one logic layer, which should be initialized only once during the instantiation of the contract. It is called a constructor. You still can have several constructors, but you can call only one during instantiation.

Constructors can still be used to initialize upgradeable contracts that use the set_code_hash function. But that approach doesn't work for logic layers of Proxy and Diamond patterns.

Initialization method

Proxy and Diamond pattern contracts have their constructor but only initialize variables related to forwarding calls to corresponding logic layers.

Delegate call

Those contracts use delegate_call to forward calls to logic layers. The delegate call accepts the logic layer's code hash and executes the source code, corresponding to the hash, in the context of the current contract. The source code works with the current contract state in that case. You can't call the constructor during a delegate call, so you can't naturally initialize the contract.


Instead of using the constructors as the primary way to initialize the logic units(each logic layer has its logic unit or a bunch of logic units), you can add a separate initializer method and leave the constructor empty(with resolving issue you can not have constructor at all). That initialize method can accept any arguments the same as a typical constructor.

For example, for an upgradeable PSP22 contract, you can add the init_with_supply method:

pub fn init_with_supply(&mut self, total_supply: Balance) -> Result<(), PSP22Error> {
self._mint_to(Self::env().caller(), total_supply)

You can add as many methods as you wish with any arguments (the same as constructors). The problem is that anyone can call all those methods unlimited times when the constructor can be called once by the creator of the contract. In most cases, you want the same behavior as a constructor. So you need to add the check that initialization already was called and restrict the set of people that can do that.

Initialization state per logic unit

Each logic unit can store boolean variable that shows the state of initialization.

pub fn init_with_supply(&mut self, total_supply: Balance) -> Result<(), PSP22Error> {
if self.initialized {
return Err(PSP22Error::Custom(String::from("Already initialized")));
self._mint_to(Self::env().caller(), total_supply)

Permission to initialize

Also, you can use some logic to manage permission. In an upgradeable contract, you should already use some logic to manage upgrades. You can reuse it here. If you use Ownable then the code can look like this:

pub fn init_with_supply(&mut self, total_supply: Balance) -> Result<(), PSP22Error> {
if self.initialized {
return Err(PSP22Error::Custom(String::from("Already initialized")));
self._mint_to(Self::env().caller(), total_supply)

OpenBrush doesn't provide any utils for initialization right now because, in most cases, you have a unique way to initialize the contract. OpenBrush team doesn't want to add overhead - boolean variables per logic unit.

But for managing the permission, you can use Ownable or AccessControl default implementation.

Small optimization for all upgradeable contract

Most contracts require initialization, but in most cases, only once. After initialization, you can always upgrade your contract and exclude the initialization logic. It will make your contracts safer, improve performance, and reduce gas consumption.

Types of upgradeable contracts

There are 3 types of Upgradeable contract.

  1. Proxy pattern
  • Pros
    • Basic pattern where it's hard to introduce a bug
  • Cons
    • Necessity to deploy extra contract and additional overhead for every singe call
  1. Usage of set_code_hash method
  • Pros
    • Easy to make your contract upgradeable, you only need to expose the set_code_hash method
  • Cons
    • If you forget to expose it during the update, you will lose the ability to do upgrades
  1. Diamond standard pattern
  • Pros
    • Allows splitting your contract on facets(logic layers) to optimize performance of your contract and overcome contract size limits
    • Allows upgrading facets(logic layers) separately and use different governance rules per logic layer
  • Cons
    • More overhead for particular overlapping logic units
    • More likely to break the storage
    • Requires good deploy management

The Proxy Pattern

Proxy pattern has two contracts. The first contract is a simple wrapper - a "proxy" that users interact with directly and is in charge of forwarding calls to the second contract - the logic layer. The logic layer can be replaced while the proxy can not. To upgrade the logic layer, you must replace the code hash of logic layer with a new one.

The proxy contract is not upgradeable and straightforward. You can reuse implementation from OpenBrush to create your proxy. The logic layer is better to follow the rules described above.

This is the illustration how Proxy contract with delegate_call looks like:

OpenBrush provides default implementation for Proxy pattern. It has proxy::Data logic unit that stores forward_to inside. The storage unit is wrapped in Lazy and occupies the proxy::STORAGE_KEY_DATA_FORWARD_TO storage key. The forward_to is the code hash of the logic layer's source code. It also contains change_delegate_call method to update code hash for forward_to value inside the contract. Only the owner is able to call the change_delegate_call method.

pub struct Data {
pub forward_to: Hash,

For more details on how to reuse the default Proxy implementation, you can check Proxy.

The logic layer for Proxy is the same as the definition of the facet for the Diamond contract, but you have only one facet. You can read about it in that section.

Usage of set_code_hash method

ink! has the ink::env::set_code_hash method, which allows replacing the code hash of the current contract. So you can change the logic layer by specifying a new code hash on demand. After setting a new code hash, the next call to your contract will execute updated logic.

You only need to expose that method somehow, and your common contract is upgradeable. For example, you can add that method, and it is done:

pub fn upgrade_my_contract(&mut self, new_code_hash: Hash) {

You need to consider the permission system because only a restricted set of people should be able to call that function.

All suggestions described above are applicable for that kind of upgradeable contracts. Better to have an upgradeable storage layout, initialization function for new versions of your contract, permission system, etc.

The Diamond Standard

Using Diamond Standard you can add support for several facets(logic layers) that can be upgraded. This standard came from the ethereum network. It works in the same way in ink! but instead of the address of the logic layer, you need to use the code hash of the logic layer.

This is the illustration of the flow of the Diamond pattern:

Each method in the smart contract has a selector. It is used as an identifier during the smart contract call to execute the right logic. Each facet has a list of selectors that describe which methods are supported by the facet. Each selector is unique and belongs only to one facet. So selectors of facets can't overlap. Diamond contract knows which facet is responsible for which selector and forwards each call to the smart contract to the corresponding facet (logic layer). Diamond contract has a function diamond_cut that allows registering each facet.

All suggestions above ideally describe how to develop an upgradeable contract with multi-logic layers and many logic units. So here we will describe how to write facets (logic layers) with OpenBrush.

Logic units for facet

Each facet (logic layer) can have zero, one, or many logic units that work with storage.

Each logic unit should have a unique storage key and be upgradeable (support initialization on demand, use storage key as an offset for all inner fields). It can be a struct with one or many fields (structs without fields are useless) or an enum with at least two variants (an enum with one variant is a structure).

As an example, we will define logic units for PSP22 and Ownable facets.

// OpenBrush uses the same logic unit for the default implementation of the `PSP22` trait.
pub struct PSP22Data {
// Total supply of the `PSP22`
pub supply: Balance,
// Balance of each user
pub balances: Mapping<AccountId, Balance>,
// Allowance to send tokens from one user to another
pub allowances: Mapping<(AccountId, AccountId), Balance>,

// OpenBrush uses the same logic unit for the default implementation of the `Ownable` trait.
// It simply stores the `AccountId` of the owner of the contract.
pub struct OwnableData {
// Owner of the contract
pub owner: AccountId,

PSP22Data and OwnableData have their storage keys

Definition of the facet (logic layer)

The definition of the facet is the same as the definition of the contract. You need to combine your logic units in the contract as fields. Leave the constructor empty, add the initialization method and methods related to business logic.

Example uses logic units defined in the previous section.

#[openbrush::implementation(PSP22, Ownable)]
pub mod facet_a {
use openbrush::traits::Storage;

#[derive(Default, Storage)]
pub struct FacetA {
psp22: psp22::Data,
ownable: ownable::Data,

// Your own implementation of `PSP22` trait.
pub fn balance_of(&self) {...}

impl FacetA {
pub fn new() -> Self {
// Empty constructor, we do here nothing

// Initialization method to grant `total_supply` tokens to someone.
pub fn init_with_supply(&mut self, total_supply: Balance) {
assert_eq!(Self::env().caller(), self.ownable.owner, "Only owner can init contract");

You can deploy the code of the facet to the blockchain. After that, you can register your facet in Diamond via the diamond_cut method or in Proxy via change_delegate_call method.

Interaction between facets

During development, you can have cases when one logic layer (for example FacetA) needs to interact with another logic unit or logic layer (for example FacetB). You have two options for how to do that:

  1. The contract can send a cross-contract call to itself and execute the public function(method marked with #[ink(message)]) of your contract.
  2. Embed logic unit into your contract what you want to use into another facet and interact with it.
Cross-contract call to itself

If your FacetA implements some trait, then you can use the wrapper around trait feature of OpenBrush to do cross-contract call.

Note: The trait should be defined with openbrush::trait_definition.

#[openbrush::implementation(PSP22, Ownable)]
pub mod facet_b {

impl FacetB {

fn balance_of_owner_in_facet_a(&self, owner: AccountId) -> Balance {
let address_of_current_contract = Self::env().account_id();
// It does a cross-contract call to itself with `owner` as an argument.
// It needs to allow reentrancy if it wants to execute itself.
PSP22Ref::balance_of_builder(&address_of_current_contract, owner)


The important thing is that you should allow reentrancy during that call. You can also import the code of FacetA and use the native Ref feature for cross-contract calls of ink!.

Better to avoid the usage of cross-contract calls and work directly with the logic unit. But it depends on the complexity of the logic layer.

Embed logic unit

If you use OpenBrush and follow suggestions above, your logic units are independent. It allows you to embed any logic unit into any facet(logic layer) without corruption of the storage.

#[openbrush::implementation(PSP22, Ownable)]
pub mod facet_b {

#[derive(Default, Storage)]
pub struct FacetB {
// You embed `PSP22Data` logic unit from `FacetA`.
// It works with the same storage as `FacetA`.
// So you have access to data of `FacetA`.
psp22: psp22::Data,
// Some data for `FacetB`.
foo: BarData,

impl FacetB {
pub fn new() -> Self {
// Empty constructor, we do here nothing

fn balance_of_owner_in_facet_a(&self, owner: AccountId) -> Balance {
// It accesses to the balance of `owner` that is managed by `FacetA`.

Embedding of the logic unit grants access to its storage.

Remark about logic units and OpenBrush

All data structures for contracts provided by OpenBrush are upgradeable logic units. So contracts support upgradeability by default.

You can access the default implementation when you embed OpenBrush data structures into your contract. You can use default implementation internally, or you can make it public.

For example, when you embed psp22::Data into your Contract, you can already internally use the methods of the PSP22 trait. Implementation of the PSP22 makes your method public.

impl PSP22 for Contract {} // That line makes your method publicly available.

So, if you embed psp22:Data in your FacetB contract. Then you can call self.balance_of(owner) and it will use the default implementation without a cross-contract call.

// Code of facet A
#[openbrush::implementation(PSP22, Ownable)]
pub mod facet_a {

#[derive(Default, Storage)]
pub struct FacetA {
psp22: psp22::Data,
ownable: ownable::Data,

impl FacetA {
pub fn new() -> Self {
// Empty constructor, we do here nothing

// Initialization method to grant `total_supply` tokens to someone.
pub fn init_with_supply(&mut self, total_supply: Balance) {
assert_eq!(Self::env().caller(), self.ownable.owner, "Only owner can init contract");

// Code of facet B
#[openbrush::implementation(PSP22, Ownable)]
pub mod facet_b {

pub struct FacetB {
// The same logic unit is used in `FacetA`.
psp22: psp22::Data,
// Some data for `FacetB`.
foo: BarData,

impl FacetB {
pub fn new() -> Self {
// Empty constructor, we do here nothing

fn balance_of_owner_in_facet_a(&self, owner: AccountId) -> Balance {
// Use default implementation for `psp22::Data`.
// It is not public, because it doesn't have `impl PSP22 for FacetB {}`
